"The Secret to Getting Ahead
is Getting Started"
- Mark Twain
(And that starts with a committee)
A great way to make a difference in a cohesive way, is to form a committee of like-minded people that have the same goal you do. In the example below, we have once again used election integrity as our guide.
A. Identify Your Issue
Once you have determined you want to take action, and you have identified your ‘Issue”, you are ready to contact others and form a group. Make sure your action/idea is as narrow as possible. Things will come up along the way which will broaden it, which is why you want your scope as narrow as possible. As an example, our committee wanted to focus on getting election laws passed. Along the way, we saw other bills like the one to limit the governor's power during times of emergency. Though not directly election integrity, it could, and did, have an impact in elections so we also called our representatives about that. In addition, we saw a need for a manual, a catalogue of helpful websites, and ideas to share and use so we created that. Again, not an election integrity bill, but a necessary component.
B. The Group
Start with contacting friends and family you know support your concern about voter fraud and laws in Texas. After that, call your local Republican chairman and ask for names of people who would be interested. Or ask them to put it in an email or newsletter to contact you. Once you have more names, set a date for a meeting.
C. Jobs
At your first meeting set up who will be the chairman and the secretary and if anyone has a specific role they would like to fill. Chairman: Sets the meeting dates, chairs the meeting, and tries to keep everyone focused on their tasks and support those with other ideas or actions they want to take on. Might also send action alerts for members to call senators, read an article, etc. The chairman will also reach out to other groups and discuss what their committee is doing so they can join or emulate as their club decides. Finally, the chairman will keep in contact with local Republican leadership for updates and information. Secretary: Takes the minuets at the meetings and sends it out to all the members Contact Admin: This person keeps emails and contacts up to date for the newsletter editor, chairman and everyone on the committee Others: Other members can spearhead other areas or act as the very important support and people who take the directions form the meeting and implement them. This can also break into a subcommittee. Possible Newsletter Editor: It’s a good idea, after you have met a few times, to have a newsletter with information about upcoming legislation, interesting articles, or events the Republican party is planning. It should also have contact info for committee members, representatives in congress, and other pertinent contacts, etc. All members should feel free to ask questions in an email, or at the meeting as well as supply articles information or concerns about our country. In addition, members should always try to find more volunteers to work with the committee, with elections or other areas that need the Republic’s attention. Another subcommittee can be formed for different tasks or issues including notifying and watching bills and laws at a federal level.
D. Get Going
Once you have met and established a rapport, begin pinpointing your actions. Calling on a bill? Holding a fundraiser? Assign duties as people are willing and able to do. Follow up with the secretary sending out the minutes so that everyone has a clear memory of what was said, when the next meeting will take place and what actions need to happen.
E. Continuity
It’s important that your group keeps records of what actions were taken and everyone is informed of what the committee is doing as a whole. This way, when one cause is “conquered” the same formula can be implemented as everyone already knows what to do.